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Messy desk makeover: The simple changes that will help your workday flow better

Looking for some practical steps on how to address your cluttered workspace woes?

Albert Einstein once posed the question: “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what then is an empty desk a sign?” 

The famous physicist found that having a messy workspace, piled high with books, files and letters, actually inspired him to think more creatively. 

And who are we to argue with one of the world’s greatest minds? 

But the truth is that unfortunately we don’t all have brains like Einstein. 

For most of us, having a neat and tidy workspace helps us organise our thoughts, focus on the job in hand and work more effectively. 

Our survey of 2,000 home workers found that almost nine in ten agree that having a tidy, organised workspace has a positive impact on their productivity, helping them get more done every day. 

And being more productive is good for your motivation, mental health and career prospects too. 

Recognising that, more than half of the homeworkers we surveyed said they tidy their desk at least once a week and two thirds describe their workspace as tidy. 

And it seems to work for them; nine in ten say their current work from home setup helps make them productive. 

Room for improvement


But one in five still think their home working arrangement has room for improvement and have plans to change it. 

That’s complicated by the fact that only a third of us are lucky enough to have a dedicated office space or study at home, with 30% working in a bedroom and 15% in the living room. 

Meanwhile, 14% say they are working in ‘junk rooms’, surrounded by boxes, dusty exercise equipment or old furniture. 

It’s clear: clutter is not going to encourage clear thinking.  

So, what would be your ideal home workspace? For many of us, it seems comfort is as important as a lack of clutter. 

When we asked home workers what would best improve their work environment, the most popular answer was a comfy chair (30%). 

There’s plenty of evidence that sitting for long periods can cause musculoskeletal problems like bad backs, and the wrong kind of chair can make these issues worse. 

And we are all being encouraged to spend less time sitting down to benefit our health and wellbeing, so try and find an excuse to get up and move around whenever you can. 

Key findings:

  • 56% tidy their desk at least once a week 
  • 67% have a tidy workspace 
  • 20% plan to improve their home working set up 

Adding a touch of green 

Second on home workers’ wish lists was a dedicated room to work in, followed by a quality desk to work on, two computer monitors and houseplants. 
This is a very achievable ambition, and the benefits of having some greenery in your workspace is backed up by research by academics from the University of Exeter. 

They found that green offices with plants make staff happier, aid concentration and improve productivity by an average 15%.

So, if you’re one of the 54% of home workers who told our researchers that your workspace needs a refresh, and you don’t have the space for a dedicated home office, or the budget for an ergonomic work chair, perhaps a good declutter and potted plant could be the answer. 

Check out the other blogs in our Messy Desks series for more tips and insights on transforming your messy desk into organised comfort, here

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