From passion to profit: Turning hobbyists into entrepreneurs

Do you want to turn your hobby into a thriving business? 46% of side hustlers think it’s now generally easier to turn a passion into profit compared to five years ago, according to new research. So there’s no better time!

Learn more with our blog

Turn your hobby into a business today

Our Hobby to Home Business guide will take you through the most important considerations when it comes to transforming your hobby into an income stream, covering everything you need to get started, from business planning to brand building and financial planning to fulfilment.

Download the guide

                      Read more about real hobbyists who turned their passion into businesses


Beauty and the Bakes

A cake baked for a special occasion is a special thing, and those baked by Rachael McGuire are more special than most. Precision, patience and process combine in confections as pleasing to the eye as to the tastebuds. Beauty and the Bakes is an apt as well as memorable name.

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Creativity is a catalyst for change. NuForms, a creative consultancy founded in Manchester by former art teacher Andrea Ainsworth, offers a powerful appeal to the commercial sector. Activities that encourage professionals to embrace their creative side can foster a culture in which thinking outside of the box becomes the norm.

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Ornella’s Kitchen

Ornella Cancila reflects upon the earliest days of her award-winning Ornella’s Kitchen business with pride, disbelief and satisfaction. Working around the clock at her home in Manchester in the earliest days of the Covid pandemic, while caring for her son Antonio, then only three months old, became a life-changing experience.

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