Use your smartphone to choose from many pre-defined label templates, input your text and wirelessly print to a compatible label printer such as PT-E550WVP or PT-P900W.
The app has many popular templates available for cable, patch panel, faceplate and network equipment identification. This dramatically speeds up the creation of labels and reduces mistakes caused by printing incorrect length labels.
Create fully customisedlabels
If the templates supplied do not meet your needs, the general labelling option allows text, symbols, images, barcodes and frames to be added to your layout – giving you the flexibility to create customised labels on demand.
Replace your laptop for your smartphone
Rather than carry a cumbersome laptop around with you, use the Brother Pro Label Tool app instead to design your labels and the wirelessly connect to your P-touch label printer. That’s one less item of equipment to worry about.
On-site printing of durable labels
Printing labels on demand and at the site of labelling ensures that the job can be completed as planned, without having to wait for pre-printed labels to be sent from another location, or waiting for an order to be delivered.