Bespoke partnerships build better business
Building a specialist team with the expertise to adapt to any business need.
It’s important to note that when it comes to managed print service (MPS) solutions, there is no such thing as one size fits all. We team up with a broad portfolio of managed print service providers to harness their unique professional service, industry insight and expertise. We’re dedicated to finding and working with the best partners in their field.
Together, we create an alliance that can give your business a fully customised service to navigate the specific challenges your business or organisation is facing. From healthcare to retail, every industry has different needs and a variety of infrastructures. By building a team specifically designed to meet your business needs, we can ensure future risks are pre-empted and mitigated against for sustainable growth and business resilience.
However, before we start, we focus on understanding your strategic business objectives so we can help navigate any future challenges you may face.
Real conversations with real experts that can understand your business needs
Brother MPS comes with on hand peer-to-peer expertise. So, for every member of your team, there is an MPS specialist with relevant industry experience available for consultation to ensure you have all the knowledge you need.
By working together, and taking time to understand your needs, we can help take some of the pressure off. We continuously assess your requirements against the service we’re delivering so we can adapt to tackle any new challenges that may arise.
Assess, assess and assess again – continuous assessment with Brother
At the beginning, we define and understand your business requirements together. But your requirements on day one are not necessarily the same as your requirements six or twelve months into the contract.
We know from experience that in business, circumstances change. Changes can be caused by many factors, it could be a decision you’ve actively made to evolve your business, such as moving to the cloud, or it could be due to circumstances that are beyond your control, such as a change in demand. For both ends of the spectrum, we have the expertise in place to help you navigate whatever happens.
Through continuous assessment, we can understand what your current and potential future needs will be. Depending on your current circumstances, this could mean streamlining, increasing or switching to a new, more efficient service.
Switch to the best solution for your business
Currently, there is a culture of ‘switching’ to find the best price, but that’s not always the best solution, nor will it necessarily give you the best value. It’s important to note that value does not always mean cheaper – it means your requirements are met to the level you require.
“We’re getting value in terms of them understanding our business and also in terms of them getting the right kit at the right time and at the right price”, Brother customer
Brother has the expertise and the solutions to increase your efficiency and productivity based on your changing requirements. Our specialists have unique insights into requirements across sectors such as retail, manufacturing, education and healthcare, so they’re best equipped to tailor an MPS solution for your business and industry needs.
For example, Brother is a market leader in the primary and secondary healthcare sectors; we provide devices and solutions for wristband, sample labelling and prescription printing. As best practice advances and new technologies are introduced, their requirements change.
For this reason, our industry experts stay informed, so when called upon we are always able to provide the most relevant solution. Leaving our healthcare customers to focus on what is important – patient care.
Building resilience for future business
Our primary objective is high customer satisfaction, and we achieve this by understanding and meeting requirements.
An ineffective or broken solution can have a big impact on your workflow and serious repercussions beyond not being able to print on demand. Businesses can be brought to a complete standstill if receipts, logistics waybills, product instructions or prescriptions are not readily available. These interruptions to workflow and content management could also prevent businesses from trading or being able to see the status of goods that cannot be transported – which could have major implications for intended recipients.
A continued appraisal of your business needs combined with industry knowledge and help, informs us whether we should adapt your MPS solution. It is a more robust approach that means we can react instantly to meet changing needs, rather than simply assessing new requirements at the end of the contract term when it could be too late.
Brother ‘At your side’
Choosing the right partners to deliver your managed print service depends on what your business goals are. We work with the best suppliers and software providers to deliver the right MPS solution that integrates with your team to ensure resource, expertise and capacity are right to meet your challenge. Throughout the partnership, we are ‘At your side’, to ensure your business requirements are not only met, but exceeded.
For more information on how our managed print services are making a difference to organisations visit our MPS page, or find out more on the importance of partnerships to Brother here.