Kenley Warehousing and Distribution Ltd logo

The challenge

Drivers visiting the office once a week to scan in PODs, meant a delay in invoices, payments and tracking of goods.

The solution

Brother’s mobile scanners can be kept in the drivers cab, meaning once delivery has happened the POD can be instantly scanned in and sent to the office.

The results

  • Almost instant invoices emailed to the customers
  • Instant proof of delivery
  • Improved cash flow.

North West based Kenley Warehousing and Distribution, which transports goods around the UK, is reaping the benefits of using Brother’s scanners as part of a complete proof of delivery (POD) solution.

Paper proof of delivery meant invoicing delays

“Our drivers used to set off at 4am on a Monday morning, travelling round the country for drop offs and pick-ups and rarely came back to the office.

The customers would sign a POD at the destination and the drivers would return them at the end of the week, we would then post out the invoices. The delay meant that we weren’t able to issue invoices until up to two weeks after the jobs had been carried out.

We knew that we had to update the system to streamline processes and speed up payments.”

Lesley Walker, Financial Director, Kenley Warehousing and Distribution.

Technology means faster payment

Drivers can now scan the PODs on the Brother DS-820W (our newer equivalent model is the DS-940DW) as soon as the goods hit their destination. This automatically updates the system and means that we can email invoices out immediately.

This technology has dramatically reduced admin time and means that customers can see their PODs straight away, enabling them to notify us of shortages or damages at a much earlier date.

“The scanner itself is superb and really easy to use.

The picture quality is excellent and it only produces a small file so they aren’t memory heavy but even so, it comes with a huge memory card which can store up to 200 documents.

The drivers can now get the paperwork back seconds after delivery.” Campbell Elliott, Kenley’s Transport Manager.

Find out more about Brother's solutions for the transport and logistics industry.

Download your copy of the Kenley case study

“The picture quality from Brother’s DS-820W is excellent and the file size is small so drivers don’t have to worry about running out of memory while they’re on the road.”

Campbell Elliott, Transport Manager, Kenley Warehousing and Distribution

What was achieved?

White truck delivery icon on a round crimson background

Instant proof of delivery

Dramatically reduced admin time means that customers can see their PODs straight away.

White clock icon on a round crimson background

Invoicing time slashed

Drivers can get the paperwork back seconds after delivery, meaning that invoices can be emailed out immediately.

White line chart icon on a round crimson background

Improved cash flow

The technology has streamlined processes, which has led to much faster payments.

Find out more about how Brother can benefit your business