1. Home Brother
  2. Recycling Programmes
  3. DK Label Rolls Recycling

Choose the best recycling option for you

Blue icon reflecting recycling at home

Recycle at home

Our DK rolls are made from widely recyclable plastic, so check your local waste collection to see if you can recycle at home!
By recycling at home you are helping us to reduce our environmental impact through logistics.


Order new supplies

Don't forget to place your order for new DK label roll supplies.

Blue icon for contact us

Contact Us

If you have a large quantity of label rolls to return, please get in touch and we can send you an empty Brother recycling box for your returns.

Contact us
Cool Earth text in white on a greenbackground

Cool Earth

Find out how our recycling programme helps rainforest-saving charity Cool Earth.

Blue icon reflecting the environment

Working together for a better environment

At Brother we are always planning for a safer, greener environment. That’s why we have established a vision to showcase our environmental impact by 2050.

Learn about our environmental vision
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Click for the Earth

See how you can contribute towards worldwide environment conservation with one click.