1. Home Brother
  2. Recycling Programmes
  3. TZe Label Tapes Recycling

Choose the best recycling option for you

Green icon instructing to download a label

Download a free post label for your own envelope

  1. Download and print the free post label to stick onto your own envelope to return
  • Up to 4x 24mm or 36mm tapes
  • Up to 8x 12mm or 18mm tapes

2. Carefully pack your tapes and seal the envelope

3. Return to Brother by posting through a letterbox or dropping off at your local post office

You should use a sealable envelope approximately 23cm x 16cm x 4cm

By putting multiple tapes in one envelope, you are helping us to reduce the environmental impact of posting a single tape.

Download label

Order new supplies

Don't forget to place your order for new TZe label tapes supplies.

Green icon reflecting posting an envelope into a letterbox

Request an envelope with free post label

  1. Complete the form to order an empty recycling envelope from us
  2. Brother will send you a pre-labelled free post envelope
  3. Carefully pack your tapes and seal the envelope
  4. Return to Brother by posting through a letterbox or dropping off at your local post office

One envelope will fit:

  • Up to 4x 24mm or 36mm tapes
  • Up to 8x 12mm or 18mm tapes

By putting multiple tapes in one envelope, you are helping us to reduce the environmental impact of posting a single tape.

Request an envelope
Cool Earth text in white on a greenbackground

Cool Earth

Find out how our recycling programme helps rainforest-saving charity Cool Earth.

Green icon instructing to contact us

Contact Us

If you have a large amount of tapes to return, please get in touch and we can arrange a bulk box for your returns.

Contact us
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Click for the Earth

See how you can contribute towards worldwide environment conservation with one click.