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  4. Brother and the Circular Economy


What is a Circular Economy?

A circular economy moves away from the take-make-waste model and looks at how waste can be reduced through reduced use of resources, extended lifetime, reuse, remanufacturing and recycling. 

We want to make it easy to choose the sustainable choice which is why we are on a mission to produce durable, long lasting products, reduce our energy consumption, reuse and repair when possible and recycle where we can. Here are some of the things we are doing to achieve the Circular Economy at Brother. 

Recycling with Brother

Recycle for free with Brother

You can do your bit for the Circular Economy simply by returning your used ink and toner cartridges to us and we will recycle them for free. With your help, we can continue to minimise our impact on the environment. Recycle today. 

Recycle for free
Brother coloured ink cartridges


Brother genuine supplies 

Brother printers are designed to work with our genuine supplies to reduce waste and their environmental impact. Using genuine supplies minimises your energy consumption and provides the best quality from your printer.


Order genuine supplies
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Corporate Social Responsibility

At a global level, Brother have committed towards achieving a number of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We believe it is our responsibility to do our bit for the environment and sustainability.

Explore our CSR
Technicians Product Toner Brother Compliance

Product and compliance

Brother complies with all legal requirements and ensures all products to ensure they are durable and print to a high quality.


See our compliance
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Values and philosophy

Brother is committed to being a responsible, ethical and sustainable business, implemented through our policies, codes of practice and Brother Group Global Charter.

Discover values and philosophy