Smarter Printing: the one simple choice delivering big benefits to small businesses
Save time, cut costs and put printer admin problems behind you.
When it comes to procuring tech for your business, you’re likely sceptical about anything that promises a whole list of benefits without an equally long list of caveats. And, surely, those savings messages you see are based on some ‘ideal customer scenario’ which your business ultimately won’t fit into.
So why waste your time? Particularly if your need is pressing – whether it’s laptops, phones or printers, if it’s old or broken you’ll just need to replace them, and quickly.
That’s why we’ve pulled together this quick guide to smarter printing, to give you the best chance of making the right print procurement decision for your business, without hours of research or worse: that impulse buy that just doesn’t pay off in the long run.
In the spirit of efficiency and getting to the point: what you need is a managed print service.
What is a managed print service?
Quite simply, a managed print service (MPS) allows someone else to take care of your business’s printing needs – well, not the action of actually pressing print and collecting printouts, but all of the associated admin that can come with running a printer or printer fleet.
Unlike purchasing a printer, or printers, in the traditional way – outlaying on individual hardware up-front, buying ink and toner as you need it and then dealing with maintenance or repair issues over time – managed print services incur a manageable monthly fee, making print costs predictable, at a time when businesses need clarity of budgets most.
You may already outsource things like cleaning, building maintenance and website management, so is it time to consider the same approach to printing management?
Find out more about the benefits of managed print services >
I don’t need managed print services, just printers that work
Not sold on managed print services, just yet? That’s fine, maybe that’s because ‘outsourcing print management’ sounds like exactly the sort of 'solution’ that leaves you feeling like your requirements have been misunderstood. After all, you just need a printer, right? And, you’re a small business, so this probably isn’t for you.
Well, once we've cut through the jargon - and also consider what other print requirements beyond ‘a working printer’ you might have - we may find that a managed print service is exactly what you need to make thinking about print a thing of the past.
At a glance, the benefits of a managed print service might look no different to what you’re looking for in a replacement printer, or printers:
- reliable, easy-to-use printers that don’t break the bank
- easy to set-up devices that meet the importance of your print needs
- competitively priced, quality ink or toner
- a vendor-backed warranty that ensures your printer continues to work for as long as it’s supposed to
- access to a free recycling scheme.
But, under closer inspection, you’ll find that as part of a Brother Managed Print Service these benefits are enhanced to deal with the frustrations that can build up around the running of printers:
- reliable, easy-to-use printers (with the option to include these as part of a simple, low-cost payment plan)
- remote installation and set-up of new devices to limit disruption
- discounted, quality ink or toner that is automatically delivered when your supplies are running low
- four-hour break-fix support service to ensure that your printers are up and running when you need them
- ongoing maintenance of devices as they need it, saving time wasted on printer admin
- access to a free, market-leading recycling and remanufacturing scheme that ensures no waste goes to landfill.
My business is too small for a managed print service
If you have a printer, then a managed print service can make a difference to your business. Even just one device being managed can give you the peace of mind that you’ll always have the ability to print when you need to.
With a selection of devices and packages available, including fixed cost or pay as you print options, there is an offer to suit every business size and these can even be customised to suit your individual requirements.
What managed print services packages are available?
At Brother, we split our managed print services into three offerings:
- MPS Essential, for the business wanting to realise the benefits of managing its simple printing requirements
- MPS Professional, where more complex print requirements necessitate some customisation to that offered by MPS Essential
- MPS Enterprise, a fully bespoke printing service designed to meet the individual needs of large enterprises.
Within the MPS Essential and MPS Professional offerings, there are a number of packages to choose from, including mono and colour printing, a choice of inkjet and laser devices and also a fixed cost or pay as you print model.
This ensures that you can find a package, or customise one, to meet your business’ printing requirements with very little fuss or hassle.
You may already know exactly what you’re looking for – particularly when it comes to colour/mono and inkjet/laser decisions – but choosing your payment model might require a moment’s more thought.
A fixed cost is just that - you pay a set monthly fee for the printing. For businesses that have a good awareness of their current and future print volumes, a fixed fee could be the best option - paying the same amount every month and simplifying budgeting.
The pay as you print model, however, means that you only pay for what you use. This is particularly useful for businesses who may not currently know their levels of print usage. This flexibility means that where forecastability of print volumes can be difficult – for example, where there may be lots of activity in the office one week, and none the next – you only ever pay for what you use.
Will an MPS contract save me money?
For many businesses, cost is the main reason for turning to managed print services. Low ongoing costs and flexibility of payment plans help businesses control their expenditure on print supplies and fleet maintenance.
MPS allows businesses to benefit from just in time ink and toner delivery, preventing inventory stockpiles yet giving the same cost benefits of bulk buying. More than this, with ongoing maintenance and repair built into your service, you’ll never need to buy another printer again.
Are all managed print services the same?
The simple answer is, no. At Brother, we’ve developed a series of programmes to ensure that we can effectively meet our customers’ needs and simplify the process along the way.
But whether you choose an MPS Essential or MPS Professional package, you can be guaranteed of the same innovative hardware, reliable ink and toner cartridges delivery and outstanding ‘At your side’ support that our Enterprise customers enjoy.
Our service is what keeps our managed print service customers, our customers – over 95% of the services we’ve implemented are still in place over five years later. But, if commitment is a concern, we offer a contract free service with the ability to cancel any time, meaning there is zero risk for small business owners.
What’s more, our ink and toner recycling and remanufacturing programme is truly market leading and we’re able to save 33% CO2 by using a recycled cartridge, compared to a new one.
We’re proud to guarantee that:
- we send absolutely nothing to landfill
- our recycling facilities are carbon neutral accredited
- any empty cartridge we cannot reuse will be recycled
- we contribute to a sustainable circular economy
- the process is quick, easy and free.
Our genuine ink and toner cartridges deliver unbeatable quality, consistent page volumes and are designed by the same engineers who make our machines to ensure a seamless printing experience. Add to this, automatic ordering and delivery when supplies get low, as well as a 30% saving compared to buying genuine supplies separately, and the benefits really start to stack up.
Where can I find more information about managed print services for small businesses?
Our MPS Essential page has all the information you need to find out whether managed print services are right for your small business, or get in touch with one of our trusted partners today to start saving on your printing costs.